ITS - Coding & Labelling Solutions

The company was founded by Grant Cross who with over 40 years experience in inkjet coding and labelling including many firsts. He helped with the specifications for

the early Willett CIJ decided to

provide a complete technical

support service to industries

using industrial ink jet coding

and labelling systems. This was

 the first time a company had set

itself up to provide the full range of machinery, consumables and technical support, a lead now followed by more and more companies in this field.


We have maintained that philosophy to the present day and enhanced it by always sourcing and supplying the most innovative products available.

QuiCode™ Elfin I-H

Handheld High-Resolution Inkjet Printer

The Elfin range of TIJ are low cost entry level

ink jet suitable for printing onto sleeves,

cartons, flow wrap systems and many more

applications, uses the patented HP cartridges

to guarantee crisp print quality at all times,

from single head units and portable printers

to multi head systems these units are

becoming more popular within production


Linx IJ355

Large Character Printer

The IJ355 is a impulse

jet system perfect for printing quality graphics and barcodes on outer cases,

easy to use, low maintenance requirements make this a perfect choice for high

speed high throughput production lines, used for this within the Scotch whisky


Linx 8900

Continuous Inkjet System

From Linx comes the 8900 CIJ this quality product is perfect for most inkjet

coding within a production facility, with its ability to easily interface with most

host systems and features like real time information to a smart phone this unit

proves invaluable in a modern production environment.

Contact Us

© Identification Technologies (Scotland) Ltd.

All rights reserved. Company No. SC137822

Identification Technologies Scotland Ltd

Unit 7, Highfield Business Centre, St Quivox

Ayr KA6 5HQ

Tel: 01292-611647